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The best outdoor advertising techniques

Thursday, July 9, 2009 , Posted by Rif at Thursday, July 09, 2009

The growing trend in advertising is going much more towards outdoor advertising. So what is the best way to get the attention of your prospective customers? Well, something moving is much more likely to get your attention than something that is stationary.

There are more and more companies offering moving signs. These signs are mounted on a large variety of different types of vehicles. The idea is to drive slowly, allowing people on the streets, people in cars and even people in buildings to see the signs as they pass. Perhaps the first applications of this technique started with busses and bus benches. Advertisers paid money in order to have their signs mounted on city buses and city bus benches so people (not only those prepared to board the bus but anyone departing the bus or anywhere around the bus) would see the advertising and possibly be motivated to check into it. Taxis also started mounting advertising on their vehicles and charging the advertisers. As this proved to be more and more lucrative not only for companies providing the advertising, but also for the advertisers themselves, advertising methods were stepped up even further.

You can find outdoor advertising in a multitude of forms and advertising is going high tech. The ‘moving signs' mounted on vehicles come in the older style of a paper sign with lights mounted below, shining up to light them. There are louvered signs where the louvers spin to the next side at timed intervals, each group of sides portraying a different ad. There are full on digital displays that play a constant loop of different commercials so if you're driving behind one, you are barraged with a whole selection of eye catching commercials.

Another type of advertising that is becoming more and more common is the street corner twirlers. They advertise anything from pizza to a place to live. This is a low cost low tech very effective way of getting peoples attention. Twirlers are generally paid fairly low on the pay scale and they work for a certain number of hours per day. Perhaps the advertiser wants to take advantage of the ebb and flow of commuter traffic, the twirler would then work only during the ‘rush hour' times.

So, as you can see, the current movement in advertising is…… movement. If you want to catch someone's ear…. whisper, if you want to catch their eye, move.

You can see led backlit screens throughout the commercial areas. From the rails and underground to the above ground transportation vehicles, from the signs at eye level to the signs towering above your heads. Color, movement and location saturation, these are the most successful trends in advertising.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleStreet.com/

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